Thursday, May 27, 2010

.my big brother.

i have three brothers , but my favorite one is Courtney .
he treats me like a brother , we always play fighting, having a good time
but he is at boarding school so i miss him so much !
my brother is a part of my heart so every time he goes away , he takes a part of my heart with him .
he is bloody funny , i laugh non-stop when he is around !
he has the best stories to tell , he tells me what happens at school , they always get me in the giggles.
i wish he lived with us but i want to be happy and he is happy there.
he sports have improved so much , he is my hero
my hero who is just one phone call away !
my hero who helps me with my problems , and one day i shall help him . i will break his fall and push him back on his feet .
my big brother is my everything , he taught me everything how to ride a bike to teach me how to fish !
that my big brother err i mean my hero , who i can always count on , no matter what !
and i will be there so he can count on me !
i love him to bits and pieces . no matter what he does , i shall stand by his side .
for he is my big brother , my amazing big brother.
i love you courts
and i never want you to forget that
p.s in this phot you can see me about to tackel him


my laugh ..

its offend described as a hilly billies laugh !
ha ha i don't mind it , it explains me as a person strange/funny/retarded .

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

.your hugs.

i wait and wait for the end of the day so i can just hug you.
when you hug me , you pull me so close , i think i can feel your heart beat on my chest. you might wonder why i jump up so quickly , i think you know why but if you dont its because i love you and i never want to lose you , your my bestest friend . i long for your hugs , they make me feel so special... you know i love you , i can tell you love me.
every time i hear that song i always smile and think of you .. that song just match's you , its like it was made just for you!
i miss you all night though we send sms's none stop .
i never talked on the phone for so long , i guess i can only do it with you ( 5 hours might i add!!)
it took about 20 minutes just to say bye ..
what does it mean ? that we meant for each other.. naah its just bcause we so tight .
i will say its now and i will say it later i love
your hugs .

Monday, May 24, 2010

.lend a helping hand.

i may not be may not be your best friend but i will stand up for you and protect you from danger and harmful things. i swear i will do anything for you.i found out the horrible news today. i wish i could do something but i don't know what i can do. i can see all the pain and sorrow in you beautiful brown eyes that look deeply in my soul .when you told me today i said everything will be ok while you put your head on my shoulders and let your salty tears get all over my shoulder. i hugged you so hard , i swear i could have heard your back crack. i know we have only just started to be friends but i love you already . ! If you're alone, I'll be your shadow. If you want to cry, I'll be your shoulder. If you want a hug, I'll be your pillow. If you need to be happy, I'll be your smile. But anytime you need a friend, I'll just be me and you mustn't forget that ok ?
you may not i am doing this for you but i am , just for you and only you, i am here for you now ,you can always count on me be it night or day , i will be there to comfort you and
lend a helping hand.



my friend Faith is my bestest friend ( excuse my english )
Faith is my everything , she is my 'hobo' friend .
most of the time we just laugh ourselfs silly .
we are the crazest people ever , we are like retarded.
she is part of my world , i cant go through a day without talking to her.
she just so addictive. shes like my own personal drug , i just cant seem get enough of her ..
see she takes care of me , helping me though break ups , when im sick , when im too grumpy to talk . she helps me thats what best friends do for each other . we catch each other when we fall and help each other get back on our feet .
love u brother

.soul sister.

my soul sister .. my step sister to be exact.
we are like two peas in a pod .she is amazing in everyway ...
her stories she tells me that has happen to her seem to get me in a daze.
when she sings with her smoothing vocie i cant help but go speechless.
the fun we have when we together .
three days arent enough for me .. i wish it could be longer..
but i know you hate it here , i wish you didnt and looked forward to it.but i cant change your mind.
i love you , and i know i hardly ever say it but i do , more than anything in the world ( you should know that)
i looked forward to seeing you every weekend .
this photo was taken years ago , my love for her has grown and she will always be...

my soul sister xx.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

my four leave clover

your my four leave clover ,you're special to my heart .
your my buddy , i love you . but theres something i need to tell you that girlfriend of yours doesn't love as much as you love her , i wish i could tell you but i cant back stab her for she is my friend. the day she breaks your heart ,i will be there to catch you and help you get on your feet. i will ,i promise. you will be my friend forever n ever , and i never want you to forget that. i wish you knew , i really do . I'm sorry i cant tell you but that's how life is , somethings your on a bumpy road then it will smooth out.